Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Match Report - RP VS TP Ladies

After drawing with NTU and edging them out by 1 more goal difference, RP faces TP who topped Group B’s table after winning all 4 games.
1st period
The first period started off very slowly, with both teams trying to get used to the flooring. RP has the advantage over TP because they train on Gerflor in RP. At the 19th minute, RP’s #4 Joelle scored a goal assisted by her teammate #19, Mable. RP’s very own goalie made a great save by a TP player who broke in from the center and took a shot against her!

2nd Period
The 2nd period saw RP leading by a goal which worried TP. The intensity of the game did not change, somehow the tempo was still very slow. Many of them were falling down and missing their passes and shots, it must be due to the flooring maybe. RP’s captain cum key player #6 Ou Mei Wen had to sit out after having a bad fall at the boards. RP’s coach Jamie was worried because they had the smallest squad in the whole IVP, they had no choice but to ensure that the whole team had to cover up for one another. Still, no goal from TP during the 2nd period.

3rd Period
This was TP’s last chance to either make it or break it. At the 33th minute, TP’s #34 took a wrist shot but it went off target. Due to some poor defense by TP, RP had a counter attack back where RP’s #21 PeiPei took a wrist shot against TP but it went off target. TP still had their fighting spirit in them and never gave up. TP’s #5 Wanie broke in and took a drag shot against RP but was saved. A free hit was given to TP at the 39th minute where #5 Wanie took a wrist shot but luck wasn’t on their side, it hit the post and went out. RP has lesser possession of the ball this time round, a mistake led by RP saw TP’s #47 Hazirah breaking in through the centre with her dribbles where she took a wrist shot and TP finally earned their first goal! It was now 1-1 to both teams until the final whistle.

Golden Goal
Both teams had to play for an extra 5 minutes whereby whichever team that scores first wins. During the 2nd minute here, TP’s #47 Hazirah was given 2 minutes for jumping. It was powerplay to RP and boxplay to TP now. TP was defending their hearts out in order to not concede any goal, sadly for RP, they did not make use of their powerplay to score. At the 4th minute, RP’s #8 Reena Wong did a drag shot from the centre but was saved by the TP Keeper, Madura. That 2 minutes left was very crucial for both teams, RP which dominated that play saw RP’s #8 Reena Wong scoring the winning goal for RP which was nicely assisted by her teammate Jacelyn Tay #11 ! Everyone was committing to Rp’s #11 Jacelyn and did not take note of #8 Reena at the blind side, a pass from Jacelyn to Reena saw RP scoring their golden goal! The final score was 2-1 to RP. Good job girls!

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