Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stick of the Month - Jan 09

Zone ENVY Orange

The first time i saw the ENVY, I was a little skeptical. I mean, the shaft actually has holes in it...

Previously I had the super hard ENVY Steelflex which definitely was too hard and stiff for me. One thing I have learned is that you will never get your ultimate, perfect - does it even exist? - drag or wrist shot, as long as you're playing with a too hard and stiff shaft.

When the latest ENVY Firmflex hit the stores, I was very curious how it would feel. I was very positively surprised! Not only does it look awesome and going at a great price, the flex 31 made it much easier to shoot, dribble and pass. The ENVY blade is big which makes dribbling and shooting at face pace easy like lemon squeasy, not to mention how simple hitting the bouncing ball on the volley was!

For the first time, I realised how amazing the new Carbon-fibre Aero Hole Technology really is.
If you're a secondary/JC student on the hunt for a new stick, you have to check this cool orange stick out!

- Leroy Joshua Brown
07 APAC & 07 SFL Div 1 All-Star Player

Zone ENVY Firmflex 31 is available at Valhall, for only $169!
Print this article out for a 10% discount!!

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